
Punk Labs RocketDock Version 1.3.5

Freeware Desktop File Launcher (WIN)

Release Date: 2007.01.28

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RocketDock renders quickly like MobyDock, has the visual sharpness of Y’z Dock, and the stability that neither seem to possess. “It is compatible with every dock skin format we are aware of. In fact, if you have a skin that doesn’t load properly, send it to us, along with a screenshot of what it should look like and we’ll see what we can do about integrating the format.” Sounds pretty convincing to me. Some of the features include: Compatible with Y’z Dock, Mobydock, and ObjectDock skins; Basic ObjectDock Docklet support; Unicode compliant; Simple drag-n-drop interface; True multi-monitor support; Supports alpha-blended PNG icons; Items zoom on mouse over; Auto-hide; Popup on mouse over; Layering options; Fully customizable and more. The only requirements are that you are running Windows 2000 or above, have 500Mhz or faster CPU, and have 10MB of RAM free. Want to see how life would be with a dock holding all of your favorite programs and shortcuts? RocketDock is one of the easiest ways of expanding the Windows interface.

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