Syadov walks into the Moscow health clinic and asks to see an ear-and-eye doctor. The nurse explains to him that there isn’t a specialist in those two areas at the clinic, but tells him that they have an eye-doctor AND an ear, nose, and throat man.
She further goes on to suggest, after seeing his rather vacant stare, that he see the ENT specialist, and, if that doesn’t work, why then he can go to a eye doctor.
So a month later (Remember, the clinic is run by the Soviet bureaucracy) he is shown to the doc’s office. The following dialogue ensues.
Doctor: So, tell me, Comrade Syadov. What seems to be the trouble?
Syadov: DOC! DOC! Ya GOTTA help me! I’m going crazy!
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Doctor: Just calm down, and tell me your symptoms.
Syadov: Well, I.. OK. I… I’ll try. It’s like my ears and my eyeballs aren’t connected to the same man. I can’t see what I hear, and I can’t hear what I see!”
At this, the doctor sighs, shakes his head, closes his notebook, and prepares for his next patient.
When Syadov asks what he’s doing, he explains: “Really, I’m very sorry, Comrade. But there’s no known cure for Communism.”