
DARPA’s Robotic ‘AlphaDog’ Could Give Soldiers’ Gear a Lift
Military members might get some help carrying their heavy packs over rugged terrain in the future thanks to a new robotic mule being developed by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and Boston Dynamics.

Robotic hand feels for breast cancer lumps
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TELESAR V Robot Lets You Feel What It Feels, See What It Sees
If the TELESAR V ever becomes commercialized, long-distance relationships will probably stop being such a pain. The latest telepresence system from the Japanese Science And Technology Agency (JST) and Keio University’s Tachi Lab, the TELESAR V is the first of its kind in the world to allow its human operator to tell what kind of material being handled by their robot minion by touch alone. Of course, that was back in November 2011. Things have become even better now.

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