

(verb: uh-GLOOT-n-ayt)
(adjective: uh-GLOOT-n-it, -ayt)

(verb tr., intr.)
1. To form words by combining words or word elements.
2. To join or become joined as if by glue.
3. To clump or cause to clump, as red blood cells.
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2. Relating to a language that makes complex words by joining words or word elements extensively. For example as in Turkish.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin gluten (glue). Earliest documented use: 1541.


“Like Turkish, Tuyuca is heavily agglutinating, so that one word, hóabãsiriga means ‘I do not know how to write.'” – Tongue Twisters: In search of the world’s hardest language; The Economist (London, UK); Dec 17, 2009.

“There were two kinds of blood on that laboratory floor, and they do not agglutinate.” – Arthur B. Reeve; The Dream Doctor; Echo; 2007.

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