MEANING: (noun), One who leads a group, company, or party.
Treatment for impotence order free viagra in this situation involves implanting of some object in the penis. In this manner, buy at drugshop purchase cialis onlines work to return lost potency of achieving an erection. Men’s should always be known about the working condition that would happen due to the intake of levitra pills online the drug happens during sexual stimulation and the effects intensify. Acute stressors here are the findings online cialis are those perceptions of immediate threat or dangers. ETYMOLOGY: From German Flügelmann (flank man), from Flügel (wing) + Mann (man). A fugleman was once a soldier placed usually on a flank during drill to serve as a guide for his company. Earliest documented use: 1804.
USAGE: “H.L. Mencken was trying single-handedly to drag American culture out of Puritanism and into the twentieth century, to act as fugleman on this side of the Atlantic for a literary and artistic renaissance comparable to the one then taking place on the other side.” – Jonathan Yardley; The Sage of Baltimore; The Atlantic Monthly (New York); Dec 2002.
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