Your boss, who wouldn’t know a computer if it fell ten stories and crashed right next to him, narrowly missing killing him (you know this because you’ve tested it), is nonetheless remarkably free with his Excel advice. In fact, just this minute, after sneaking up behind you to watch you format your order entry worksheet, he tosses this little pearl your way:
“Whatever you do, don’t format those order dates so that the months are spelled out.”
“Why not?” you ask.
“Because you have to sort the entries by date, and if the months are spelled out, excel sorts them alphabetically, by month, instead.”
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Such a bold bet causes your boss to hesitate slightly, but in a split second his massive ego triumphs over both instinct and reason and he replies, “You’re on.”
Who will be the boss tomorrow? You will, because no matter how you format dates–or any other values, for that matter–Excel sorts them based on the underlying value and not the appearance after formatting.
Make sure you get his key to the executive washroom.