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Tag Archives: Vocabulary
PRONUNCIATION: (AN-thruh-puh-seen) MEANING: (noun), The geological period marked by a significant human impact on climate and the environment. ETYMOLOGY: From Greek anthropo- (human) + -cene (denoting a geological period), from Greek kainos (new). Ultimately from the Indo-European root ken … Continue reading
PRONUNCIATION: (es-KEH-chehn) MEANING: (noun) 1. A shield or tablet bearing a coat of arms; 2. an ornamental protective plate surrounding a frequently used object, such as a keyhole or drawer pull. ETYMOLOGY: Today’s word came into Middle English as … Continue reading
PRONUNCIATION: (GOOG-uhl) MEANING: (verb tr., intr.), To search for information online using a search engine, especially Google. Interestingly, the verb google has been around for more than a hundred years, though in a different sense. In a game of … Continue reading
PRONUNCIATION: (KAP-chuh) MEANING: (noun), A test used to make sure that a human is using a system, not a computer program. The test typically involves reading distorted text. ETYMOLOGY: An acronym of Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell … Continue reading
PRONUNCIATION: (veh-RAE-ji-nehs) MEANING: (adjective) 1. Of, related to, or resembling a gorge, chasm, or abyss. 2. voracious, ravenous: capable of ingesting as much as a chasm or abyss. ETYMOLOGY: The noun which gave us today’s word, “vorago,” comes from … Continue reading
PRONUNCIATION: (pie-ruh-FOR-ik) MEANING: (adjective) 1. Spontaneously igniting in air. 2. Producing sparks by friction. ETYMOLOGY: From pyrophorus, substance that ignites spontaneously :, from Greek purophoros, fire-bearing : puro-, pyro- + -phoros, -phorous. To Juice Cleanse or Not to Juice … Continue reading
PRONUNCIATION: (WAHF-tyUr or WAHF-shUr) MEANING: (noun) 1. A wave, a waving motion, as of the hand or of an object in the hand. 2. The act of being carried gently and bobbingly on the air or water. ETYMOLOGY: The … Continue reading
PRONUNCIATION: (THEE-uh-ree, THEER-ee) MEANING: (noun) 1. A set of propositions used to explain some aspect of the natural world, one that has been repeatedly tested and confirmed and widely accepted. For example, Einstein’s theory of relativity or Darwin’s Theory … Continue reading
PRONUNCIATION: (lah-geh-REE-eh or lo-geh-REE-eh) MEANING: (noun) – Excessively wordy, incoherent speech. ETYMOLOGY: Late 19th century, from Greek logo-s “word, idea” and rhe-in “to flow, run.” “Logos” is akin to the “lex-” (leg-s-) in “lexical” as well as the “leg-” … Continue reading
PRONUNCIATION: (EP-i-sen-tuhr) MEANING: (noun) 1. The point on the earth’s surface directly above the focus of an earthquake. 2. The center or focal point of an activity or event, especially something unpleasant. The court can also order the employer … Continue reading